Sunday 22 October 2023

Sapta Sagaradaache Ello (Side-A)

Sapta Sagaradaache Ello (Side A)

Directed by: Hemanth Rao
Starring; Rakshit Shetty, Rukmini Vasanth
Music: Charan Raj

Recently, I've been thinking a lot about what makes a good theatrical experience for me. For me, it is not the scale of the film, it's not if the film has stars in it or not, it's not even the genre... it is simply the level of immersive experience the film offers. Some films suck you right in, make you forget your day otherwise and some films just play on the screen and you watch them from a distance. The difference, the level of immersive experience the films offer. Sapta Sagaradaache Ello is a beautiful theatrical experience. It's immersive right from the get go. I loved how the film was shot, written, performed by the actors, the music used... everything. The film has an external conflict per se, but it's made in a way that we feel like we are in their minds. Films like this, which offer an extreme emotional experience can be a beautiful outlet for cathartic experiences. Someone's going through long distance and is feeling painful? They can watch the film and let it all out by crying for Manu and Priya, and in a way cry for their Manu or Priya too. I see this film as an epic saga. And every bit of the film worked for me, except for one thing. 

Spoilers Alert. I was having second thoughts right when Manu makes that choice. I could see that it's a bad idea. It was so obvious. And because of that, I had my sympathy take over my empathy for Manu. I was watching him slightly from a distance. Whereas, if they had established that Manu and the businessman (whose son did the accident) had a good relationship and that he would never ditch Manu - maybe the choice would've felt more reasonable and then the businessman dies anyway. Apart from this, I loved every single bit of the film. The climax is a beautiful cinematic experience. It was both emotionally and physically violent. It was the lowest point the film was going to hit... and the experience of the whole ending was very chilling. I'm very curious about Side-B, although it seems like there's going to a total genre shift. Films like this will revive cinema. 

Why blog when you have a screenplay to finish?

Why blog when you have a screenplay to finish? An average screenplay takes anywhere between a few months to a year or more to write. Unlike ...