Saturday 30 May 2020

Eeb Allay Ooo Analysis

Eeb Allay Ooo!

Directed by: Pratik Vats
Cinematography by: Saumyananda Sahi
Available on YouTube's We Are One Global Film Festival.

This film has a unique premise, it's about a man who struggles to cope with his new job, a monkey repellent. Such ideas come out of life experiences and deep observation of simple things around us. The film starts with a fish out of water characteristic where everyone around him seem to have things sorted while he's the only one who struggles. The film does a brilliant job of capturing the way people abuse power and authority, from his boss to a random person on a street, everyone abuses him in someway or the other. The cinematographer Saumyananda who also shot the film Nasir, again succeeds in capturing simple things around in an interesting way. There is a long shot of a train passing by and that shot and the sound reminded me of all the times I traveled in trains from my childhood. The shots which they choose to hold longer, are the ones which help us get into a meditative state. This film isn't as slow as Nasir, where it's extremely indulging in the daily events of our lives. 

This film doesn't follow a cinema-verite kind of an approach, they even use cinemascope and the camera moves, tilts and pans. But, the world view of the filmmakers isn't pushed on our faces, they just show us things that they want us to see and they let us feel whatever we want to. I definitely will watch this film again, because I have a feeling that the film has more to offer.

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