Monday 27 July 2020

A Rainy Day in New York

A Rainy Day in New York 

Written & Directed by: Woody Allen

I'm out of words after watching this film, not only because I loved the film - but because I don't know how many more films Woody Allen will be able to make. This film, which he wrote and directed when he is 84 - it has the same amount of pondering on the idea of romance, going on a date with someone, appreciating the beauty of women as a 20 year old would. I just can't believe how he is keeping that alive in him throughout his life. The way he writes, makes films, plays at concerts and lives life - it just shakes me up and inspires me all the time. 

I still remember the first time I watched his film, Midnight in Paris about a year ago and the next entire day I was feeling sad about what a shitty life I was living. He opened me up to a world, a way of life, the artist's way and it keeps me looking forward to something constantly. His films are definitely a strong part of how my idea of the world has shaped up - it might be a stupid romantic way to look at life, but what's wrong in that? Martin Scorsese, Quentin Tarantino, Woody Allen and I'm sure a lot more people - are a testament to the fact that when you are passionate about something - you can live everyday with the same excitement as a child - you should listen to the way they talk about films and music. 

In his autobiography Apropos Nothing, Allen writes that he knows very little about filmmaking and he loves writing more - he says that if no one would let him make films, he would just write and if no one would publish his work (thanks to the pseudo moral righteousness of the millenial generation), he would write them for himself. He still believes in the simple fact that to be a writer, you don't need anyone to let you write - you can just write and do it whenever you want.

I don't know why I'm not writing about the film, I think because for me Woody Allen's films are not about that particular plot, those particular characters - for me it's always about his passion, towards art, women and life. I don't watch his films to laugh or have fun for the time that I'm watching the film - I watch them to get inspired. Woody Allen or rather his films, is definitely one of the most life changing things that has happened to me. It's a shame that his films won't play in the United States in spite of he being proven not guilty and it's an utter loss for actors who wouldn't work with him, who actually don't know what happened. 

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