Wednesday 16 December 2020

Y Tu Mama Tambien Analysis

Y tu mama tambien (2001)

Directed by: Alfonso Cuaron
Cinematography: Emannuel Lubezki
Nominated for Best Original Screenplay at the Oscars.

The film starts with a sex scene. It's a long take. The camera is handheld and lingering. Raw and intimate. Sometime later, there is another scene where the two guys are jerking off by laying on two diving boards on a swimming pool, each - and they cum into the water, which is captured by an underwater shot. These scenes show us the way they treat sex to be very casual and open in the film. All of this punk tone, makes sense with the contrast they bring through the last scene where they are almost grown ups and are ready to finally face life.

It's a road film, where these two guys meet this women and travel with her. The way she ends up having sex with the both of them to not upset the other person, is funny. Especially, the guys end up fighting about infidelity all the time but they themselves can't resist themselves when they see a beautiful woman. The sex scenes are more effective because of the long takes. The camera feels so intrusive into their personal space. We can feel the motivation behind the camera.

The film uses an excellent editing technique, which practically any film can use to alter the film on the edit table - of course, it's an intimate and a personal film. The frame suddenly gets completely silent, we don't even hear the ambiance and then the voice over starts. We only hear the voice over, and after it's done - we go back to the scene. Something like this could be done with any film on the edit table. 

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