Wednesday 7 July 2021

Bo Burnham: Inside Analysis

Bo Burnham: Inside (2021)

Written, Directed, Edited, Filmed and Performed by: Bo Burnham
Streaming on Netflix.

"I hope this show does to you for a few hours, what it has been doing to me for the past few months. Distract me from wanting to put a bullet in my head." 

One of my friends told me that this show was dark and disturbing, and honestly I found it to be quite normal. Because that's what the lockdown, and the isolation has done to me. This is material which made me get back from a 3-week slump of not being able to engage with anything. Here, I didn't have to put efforts to engage with the material. The erratic nature of the show resonated a lot with the kind of thoughts that I keep having. Bo is extremely talented, where he can create art out of practically nothing. He can write, sing and perform and do whatever it takes to entertain. My favourite part of his comedy is the way it gets meta on so many levels. I absolutely loved the part where he reacts to his reactions, and how he negates every thought of his at every reaction. I also liked the parts where he talks about his progress, about him turning 30, and such elements which are almost journal like and they'd be otherwise boring even in a vlog - but for the tone that Bo Burnham has cracked, it works within the context of this show where he tells us that it's going to be weird and not so smooth.

I wish he had gone a little more into the struggles of creating, a bit into the territory of Charlie Kaufman's Adaptation. That's just me wishing to see more of myself. Vulnerability. Self doubt. Things like these. Bo Burnham does a good job of capturing these feelings in a slightly different setting too.

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