Thursday 9 September 2021

American Sniper

American Sniper (2014)

Directed and Produced by: Clint Eastwood
Written by: Jason Hall
Streaming on Netflix.
Highest grossing war film of all time.

Clint Eastwood's films are mostly about integrity, staying true to your purpose and such themes. There is a level of filmmaking in his films, that the pace never feels rushed - he looks very confident the way he slowly introduces everything and not for a second do you feel bored. It's an amazing tone, and flow that he achieves with his films. Whether it's Sully, Gran Torino, Million Dollar Baby, Unforgiven... all these films. This film is about PTSD, guilt and the dark sides of war. The film starts hitting you hard right from when he shoots a woman and a kid. This is where the ground of the film is setup, as to what's at stake. Clint Eastwood has a beautiful way of intercutting from a high stakes moment to a scene which tells us more about character. Here, they cut from the scene where he shoots the kid to his childhood. It's a beautiful cut. 

The best part about the film is, there is a lot of action and yet it never feels like "action". It feels like it's all part of the story. There is an amazing sense of flow that he achieves. And when someone dies, they don't force us to emote by playing sad music. I could put together the dots. In the scene where the kid and the father is brutally killed in a snap, the mother is wailing - I could see how her life completely turned upside down in a moment. The film allows us to do thinking and feeling. The sound design is also so good, especially where he is reminded of war post it.

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