Thursday 16 April 2020

The Body Analysis

The Body

Written & Directed by: Oriol Paulo

This is the debut film of Oriol Paulo, who also made The Invisible Guest which is one of the best thrillers I've ever seen. This film follows a missing dead body and the mystery behind it. This film asks a lot of questions very soon. Who is the dead person? What's the story behind their death? Why is the dead body missing now? Why was the guard running in the beginning? Is she alive? We also get answers to some of these questions in the first act of the film. There is also a slight supernatural element to this film, this also adds another dimension to the thriller element of the film.

The one tool they used so well in this film is that they visually show us different possibilities of what could've happened and it makes it so much more interesting rather than someone just rambling out a certain possibility. We've seen this technique being used now in so many films, in 1-Nenokkadine, The Invisible Guest, D-16 and many other films. I used this technique in my short film 'Who' as well. By the time, we approach the end of the film, there are still so many more questions to be answered that I was wondering how will they do that, but they answer every single question we have had by just one scene and they close all open arcs. Another tool that Oriol used, both in this film and in The Invisible Guest is a character in disguise, this can be a brilliant tool even when the audience expect the twist because this added element is something that they won't see coming.

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