Wednesday 5 August 2020

Dil Bechara Analysis

Dil Bechara

Directed by: Mukesh Chhabra
Starring: Sushant Singh Rajput, Sanjana Sanghi

I watched and read The Fault in Our Stars way back - I loved the characters and the world of the story back then but I didn't understand the core of the story - I'm not saying the film didn't convey that, I'm saying I didn't get it back then. If you look at the core of this story, even at the idea level - it's a heartbreaking story. You have a girl who has cancer, and she is at a point where she has lost the fear of death and now her fear is about how her loved ones would face her death - it's so endearing that she has become so selfless and come to terms with death at such a young age. Now, the thing that scares her more than death, the loss of a loved one - she herself has to face her worst fear - the loss of a loved one. What a story! In the process, she understands a different way of looking at life, she comes of age and becomes a better person. It's a beautiful story, I enjoyed the film back then too but my understanding of the story was so basic.

About Dil Bechara, I don't want to write much about how Sushant's death affected me - but I was expecting a cathartic experience from the film, through which I could let go of some of the pain and weight of Sushant's death - which didn't happen. You can't create catharsis in a calculated way, even if you have a heart wrenching script, you never know and it also depends on the audience - I'm sure a lot of people would've cried. Sanjana Sanghi was so good as Kizie, I fell in love with her - she was in the character in every scene of the film and she made it seamless for us empathize with the character. Sushant's acting was interesting as well - he comes off as annoying to us, the same way he would be to Kizie and all of it pays off when we know that he'll die. I liked the film, I only wish it made me cry.

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