Wednesday 26 August 2020

Do Paise Ki Dhoop, Chaar Aane Ki Baarish Analysis

 Do Paise Ki Dhoop, Chaar Aane Ki Baarish

Written & Directed by: Deepthi Naval
Starring: Manisha Koirala, Rajit Kapur
Streaming on Netflix.

Rain is a setting, a part of the world in this film - it amplifies every feeling that the film creates. Rain enhances joy, the feeling of liberty, love, aggression and also melancholy and most of the film is shot in the monsoon. The film is also about the fleeting moments in life, a major chunk of the scenes are where the characters are jamming to songs or just chit-chatting while enjoying the moment - the rain adds to this feeling as well. The two main characters in this film, are Juhi - a prostitute whose son is wheelchair bound and Debu - a homosexual man who is also a struggling artist. My initial thoughts while watching the film was that all the characters seemed purposefully inclusive - she being a prostitute, he being a homosexual, the kid being handicapped - they seem like they are conveniently created to evoke empathy (it actually turns out to be sympathy). But as the film goes on, they interestingly delve into the psyche of Juhi and especially her relationship with her son - the way she says that while being busy providing for him - she forgot nurturing him as a child.

Prostitute with a golden heart, is such a trope - although in this film, she isn't shown to be so nice to people - she is designed in an authentic way, the way she talks about why she got into the profession. But at the ending, I'd have loved it if she would have continued doing it after an excellent scene of moral dilemma. She getting out of it, makes us feel like all that we saw during the film, all of her conviction about why she's into it - it's all gone. Both of them try to change each other, he tries to change her outlook and the way she carries herself, but fails to - because you can act only for a while. She questions his own beliefs about his sexuality, she fails as well. There was something interesting that could've been taken out of this - but the ending that they'd be together seemed convenient - because they don't discuss if they'd have sex with other people. 

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