Saturday 31 October 2020

David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet Analysis

David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet (2020)
Streaming on Netflix.

When it's a 93-year-old man speaking about the problems for the coming 100 years, it's clearly a selfless motive. David Attenborough has spent all of his life exploring the planet and its diversity - and this film is his witness statement of the deterioration of the planet. He also shares some actionable insights. I've never explored the topic of climate change, but this film got me thinking about it. It's the juxtaposition of heartbreaking music and breathtaking visuals, that evokes a feeling - that things are not right. I haven't seen any of David Attenborough's work, but after watching this film - I trust him that he knows what it takes to paint a portrait of the world.

The sheer scale and beauty of the images shown in the film, got me thinking about the purpose of life. It got me thinking if what we do even matters, if we've to destroy all of that beauty to be able to do it. When he talks about the problem of over population - it got me thinking about why people have kids like everyone is supposed to. The rate at which our population is increasing, the kids that our generation is giving birth to - there wouldn't be enough resources for them and why would people want to create a life, even if they knew that, that would only lead to more suffering?

Documentaries always have had a strong impact on me, they've influenced my worldview. I was ignorant about the environment before, because the change is not always so obvious to us - but now I've got my eyes opened to this problem and I'll definitely educate myself more about it.

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