Friday 28 January 2022

After Life

After Life S1

Written and Directed by: Ricky Gervais
Streaming on Netflix.

It's such a bittersweet show. Just the premise by itself is tragic. A guy who was madly in love with his wife loses her to cancer. He is depressed and suicidal now. The affirming part is about how this man manages to live a little longer and eventually gets himself to a better path. Such characters who act arrogant, and have a deep reason for why they behave like this - Arjun Reddy - are hilarious simply because of the difference in their core behavior. Their normalcy is so screwed up that you can put them in any situation and create comedy out of it. That's what the show does to rely on the comic part. For the dramatic part, it's his character arc from being a hopeless, suicidal man to someone who believes that there can be something to live for. Ricky Gervais was lovely in the show, it felt like he was so brutally honest and he put all his vulnerabilities out there just like that.

Some of the lines in the show are absolutely terrific - I would do nothing and be with her, rather than do something without her. I would rather be alive and miss him than him staying alive and missing me. Every day I always wanted to go home and spend every second with Lisa, and I don't regret one bit of that choice. Yes, some of these lines sound so superlative - but the integrity behind these thoughts came through. I like how the tone of the show is very soothing. The only beat in the show that didn't work as much for me was him giving money to the guy who was an addict, and him dying. But apart from that, everything worked for me. I'm curious to see how the show progresses.  

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