Friday 4 February 2022

Edge of Seventeen

The Edge of Seventeen (2016)

Written and Directed by: Kelly Fremon Craig
Starring: Hailee Steinfeld, Woody Harrelson
Streaming on Netflix.

It's a nice slice of life, coming of age film. It captures the feeling of being a misfit very well. It's weird how a lot of us feel as misfits, when misfit by definition means the odd one out. How can a majority of people in a group feel like a misfit individually? So it's perhaps that we all have our own set of issues which makes us feel that we're somehow not enough and hence the feeling of being a misfit. Or in some good cases, you feel good about yourself and still feel a misfit. This film deals with the first case. She always felt like the odd one out, until she found her best friend. And that's a very nicely done subplot. Although the trouble I had in understanding was, why her best friend dating her brother was such big of an issue. Of course, she'll not spend enough time with her from then - but at some point, she will have to date someone. And why was she dating her brother such an issue. I get it, it's weird because she saw them in the act. But beyond that? I wish this aspect was a bit more clear. 

Apart from that, the entire setting and the tone of the film has that coming-of-age tone to it. Woody Harrelson's character is interesting, because of the sense of the mystery he carries around, which typical teenagers get attracted to. I like how by the end of the film, she's finally at a better place and she feels that she has some place for her in this world.

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