Friday 10 June 2022

Ante Sundaraniki

Written and Directed by: Vivek Athreya
Starring: Nani, Nazriya, Rohini, Naresh, Harsha Vardhan.

This is one of the most emotionally compelling experiences I’ve had in a long long time. This film has one of the best writing I’ve seen in mainstream Indian cinema. Firstly, the film is beautifully rooted in our culture. The very premise of two people going to lengths to convince their families so that they can get married, is very Indian. There is an element of community in this. In an individualistic world, this premise would just be non-existent. I love how both Sundar and Leela were introduced. It starts off as a very personal, coming-of-age story of two characters, because we see them at their deepest vulnerabilities. And then the film evolves from there into something larger. Sundar having his taste of first heartbreak very young in life, fears being the butt of every joke. Leela fears being the one who is never seen or appreciated. And they both find acceptance in each other. That’s why the romance, though not so romantic, it feels very personal. 

Every subplot somehow beautifully fits in the whole story. There is not one scene that you can take off, and have the film stay as organic. I loved the angle of how if you lie about something enough, you basically wait until it becomes the truth. This angle hit me so hard, and it added beautiful depth to the story. The comedy works wonders, and there are so many hilarious moments in the film. Every actor was terrific in the film. One beautiful aspect about the film is that it never judges the characters – it accepts them for who they are and still manages to give them arcs. And that’s beauty and compassion right there.

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