Friday 3 June 2022

Major (2022)

Directed by: Sashi Kiran Tikka
Written and Performed by: Adivi Sesh
Spoilers Ahead. 

A life story like this could be told in so many different ways. Major tells it in a conventional way by starting from his childhood – we see how Major was as a kid, how the germ of wanting to be a soldier got into his head, we see his family, his girlfriend and though all of this seems a little dry, it works because that’s how his life was. It was mundane and simple like all of our lives, and suddenly one day something happened, and everything changed. From the moment, the film takes off into the attacks, the film races. I loved the way the action was shot and edited. My favourite fight was the one on one combat with the terrorist in the red T-shirt. I really like the visual grammar of this film and Goodachari too – there are some similarities – we don’t see a lot of wides, it’s mostly shot in closes and tights with the camera constantly moving – even the drama scenes are shot like this. This technique subconsciously makes us feel that the film is racing.

In an otherwise linear narrative, the divorce angle being explored in the middle of high octane action was a brave choice and it really worked for me. Because that was a low point for him in the attacks – he gets injured and has to take a step back, and it’s a low point for him in his life too – he’s not able to be there for the love of his life when she needs him the most. The divorce angle was one thing that made the whole film more than just the attacks, because the love angle and the family is sort of there in everyone’s life. This low point in the second half, sort of encapsulated what it means to be a soldier for me.

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