Friday 23 December 2022

Connect (2022)

Connect (2022)

Directed by: Ashwin Saravanan
Starring: Nayanthara

My relationship with horror films has been a little weird. I never enjoyed almost any horror film I've seen. The only horror I've enjoyed is the sub genres of slasher horror, body horror or survival thrillers which don't have much to do with a "ghost". It's mostly because I always find them terribly predictable. I've not enjoyed jump scares too, because they feel more like a prank a friend is pulling on you than as a scene in a film. But I get excited and intrigued with the idea of a horror film. I was excited about Connect simply because I loved Game Over. And I thoroughly enjoyed Connect even though it was not very different from a lot of horror films I've not enjoyed. It's simply because the jump scares are a notch cleverer than what you'd expect.

I really enjoyed the idea that a mother herself has to perform exorcism with the assistance of an expert over a zoom call. Although the exorcism wasn't explored much, and there wasn't much depth beyond the superficial plot, the film manages to create a solid set of emotional highs and lows. There's a point where she cannot see her father and the exorcist is also injured and she's by herself. That moment was a beautiful low point, and then the film picks itself up naturally with the progression of events that happen. I can remember at least 6-7 points in the film where the tension was building up really well, and the best part is that the film doesn't give you enough time to breathe. The film's a little hard on you, to the point where you kind of surrender and let the experience take over.

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