Saturday 3 December 2022

HIT: The Second Case

HIT: The Second Case (2022)

Written and Directed by: Sailesh Kolanu
Starring: Adivi Sesh, Meenakshi Choudhary
Minor Spoilers Ahead.

It's a well crafted serial killer film. The film carries terrific tension throughout, it could either be by the details unfolding in the plot, or it could simply be by someone's possible presence around. There's a scene in the second half where KD and his colleague are discussing a scene on the road at night, outside a house. I just couldn't concentrate on what they were discussing because the possible presence of someone around created terrific tension. Though it was predictable that Raghavudu is definitely a red herring, they carried tension there too by eventually presenting evidence against him. And though almost the entire first half is a red herring, it doesn't seem meaningless because of the film's commentary on vigilantism and society's response to it.

There are a lot of beautiful set ups and pay offs, some really nice moments and the final reveal was unpredictable to me. So the film worked on almost every level to me. My only problem was with the violence. I'm not talking about the murders done by the serial killer, but for example the whole sequence between KD and the killer. I think violence can be fun if you see the act. It can get uncomfortable if you see the consequences. We see the shot of a disfigured face of the killer, which I thought they could've done without. But apart from this one thing, I liked pretty much everything in the film. I especially liked how the killer's backstory is not opened after the killer is caught, which I'm usually not a big fan of. I liked how they opened the film with some of that, almost like a cold open in a show. Looking forward to the universe building up.

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