Tuesday 22 September 2020

Better Call Saul Analysis

Better Call Saul

Firstly, about the pacing of the show - it isn't made like a Money Heist where they grab our attention right from the first minute and keep us hooked throughout. It takes its own sweet time, to explore characters. This show doesn't have much of action, special effects and stuff - it purely works on writing and acting. One of the reasons the show works is, every layer of a character is explored with a subplot or a backstory. Jimmy's old friend - his story adds a layer to his character. Jimmy's experiences with Mike, it adds something and his experience with Chuck, Kim, Howard, and almost every character he meets - his life experiences with them add to different dimensions of his character. With Marco, he experiences death; and the way Chuck shapes up his character - it's so layered and multidimensional. 

The Breaking Bad Universe is like a Western set in the modern world, where there is quest for money, power and characters find different ways, cut corners to get what they want. I love this setting, where these characters are left in the dessert with loads of money for days together - it must be an enlightening experience where you have what you were seeking for all your life, but now it's useless. Better Call Saul is a study of humans, in the capitalist dog eat dog world. While watching both BB and BCS, I got a lot of situations where I was confused how to feel and it made me question a lot of things about myself. I love films which are a deep study of the human condition in today's world.

With Breaking Bad, we get an idea of where the show is heading towards - with BCS, we have no clue what would happen in the next episode and I love how every episode starts with a flash forward, or a flashback of a character - for example, how Jimmy's father being cheated a lot of times makes Jimmy believe in 'kindness will only make people exploit you' and you can do anything to not get exploited. The subplot with the scholarship fund, that scene adds a layer to Jimmy's character - it doesn't add anything new, but it lets us see him from an empathetic eye, about how he feels about getting another shot at life.

I loved Jimmy's film references, and his stint with film students, 'If you want to be a filmmaker, grow a pair' and 'I hope your parents enjoy funding you for the rest of their lives'. 

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