Saturday 19 September 2020

Run Lola Run Analysis

Run Lola Run (1998)

Written and Directed by: Tim Tykwer

Lola has 20 minutes to bring 100,000 DM to her boyfriend, or he robs a store and there would be consequences. It's a simple motive, but after 25 minutes into the film Lola dies in trying to do the same and the film starts all over again, and we see three such scenarios where Lola makes slightly different choices each time, almost like a game - this narrative was used in Game Over. That film is about courage, it's about how not trying to run away and facing your enemies (problems) head on yields better results, while this film explores intriguing themes like butterfly effect, free will vs determinism. Free Will vs Determinism is an interesting debate, it can definitely feel liberating to know that our life is in our control, and through the actions we choose. Butterfly effect is a super interesting concept, I've experienced this a lot in my life - I can recall tens of incidents which if happened otherwise, my life would've been drastically different (and probably miserable). I'm a lucky person.

I loved the pacing of the film, it was running - it was tough to catch up to but since the events repeat, I was catching up by the second time and the third time, everything made a lot of sense. I loved how they showed us about how the encounter with Lola would change their whole lives, through butterfly effect, and how they showed it in quick cuts of photographs. I've never seen fast cuts of photos to tell someone's life story, in a few seconds. The design of the costume, hair and make up of Lola - is done in a way that it has the scope of becoming an icon. The music, the way the camera too runs along with Lola - they keep the pace of the film. If you like films like these (with unique narrative techniques) checkout Vantage Point (2008).

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