Monday 16 May 2022

Nimic (2019)

Nimic (2019)

Written and Directed by: Yargos Lanthimos
Starring: Matt Dillon
Streaming on MUBI India.

There's a beauty to abstractness. Simply because it's food for thought, and it provides good meat for conversation later. I think the best possible dinner date would be after watching an abstract film. It need not be completely esoteric, but some sprinkling of abstractness is always interesting. This being a short, they sprinkle it all over the film. It's a thriller, horror on the surface, but it's very apparent that it's deeper than that. I like the way they use abstract sound and music to create an eerie-ness. Strangely, this gave me a very similar experience to 'You Were Never Really Here' by Lynne Ramsay. Though the style was different, the space and the tone was a bit similar.

I'd read a few write-ups on the short, as I was gathering my thoughts around it and the one that struck me the most was about how the film is about identity and about how replaceable we all are in this big dooming world. I'm sure we'd all like to believe that we are unique and irreplaceable, but at the end of the day, no matter who you are, if you disappear one day suddenly, the world will mourn depending to how useful you were to the people around, but after a point, the world will adjust and will definitely continue to go on. No one's absence would stop the world. I don't know if this was something the film was trying to say, but this is what I pick even in general with the idea of a doppelganger. Although I wish I could even vaguely pick what the film was trying to say.

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