Tuesday 17 May 2022

The Office

Goodbyes stink! I’m not someone who revisits shows, so this is it I guess with ‘The Office’. God! How do you articulate what a show like this does to you? It started off as a silly comedy meant to be a getaway. And as I slowly started to understand the characters, and how broken deep down everyone is, it became a deeply moving experience. I discovered a Michael Scott within me – with his desperation to be loved. I enjoyed parts of Dwight too, and I want to see a bit of him in me – the relentless enthusiasm towards life. Jim & Pam’s story is such a bitch – it gives you hope that even if things are a bit shaky right now, they will eventually fall in place and workout. Is hope, good or bad? Guess we’ll never know.

This show has been my companion over thick and thin for a while now. Irrespective of how I was doing mentally, I’ve always enjoyed watching an episode. I like the dry, cynical, pragmatic worldview towards life that this show offers. This level of honesty and self-awareness is quite rare in today’s pop culture. I like how they don’t shy away from addressing that Kevin looks unattractive, and it’s tougher for him find love. I love the cynic that Stanley is. And I can’t help but love Michael Scott. I’m afraid of how much I love him. In his desperation to be loved, Michael Scott ends up being the most loving guy of all. In his desire to get love, he ends up giving a lot of love – warranted or otherwise. And the world needs more people who have a lot of love to give – to get it back or otherwise.

Michael Scott would be one of my favorite characters of all time, simply because of his ability to show up to work everyday, carry the same enthusiasm through thick and thin, make people laugh (at least he tries), and how without even being aware, he ends up becoming the most loving person of all. He's, indeed, the World's Best Boss.  

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