Wednesday 4 August 2021

Heat Analysis

Heat (1995)

Written and Directed by: Michael Mann
Starring: Al Pacino, Robert De Niro
Streaming on Amazon Prime Video.

It is a simple hero versus villain film, a cop versus a thief, good versus evil and it is done so well. Both the characters are fleshed out and performed very well. Robert De Niro is so different in this film, he is much more sophisticated and subdued. He doesn't stutter, or mumble and it's interesting to see him this way. Much different from how he was in Goodfellas which came the same year. Al Pacino is terrific too. The setting of the film is the nightscape of the city - the bokeh effect of the traffic lights is such well used in the film as a visual element. And both the men meet at the midpoint, both the stars, it's such a cinematic high, and after the build up, they don't fight or even yell at each other, they just sit and talk about how they feel about things. That scene gives the audience a cinematic high, and it also explores character in an engaging way. I like how the film had people wearing black suits most of the times. I remember a lot of scenes where both characters were wearing black. It adds to the texture of the film. 

The action is so good. It feels like a blast, and yet it doesn't feel too over the top. Despite of all the action, the film is about these two people as well. We see Al Pacino struggling in his marriage, his daughter attempting suicide, and we see how Robert De Niro's partner takes a chance with him and leaves everything, and goes to him - but because of his nature and the kind of job he does, she has to go through a heartbreak. Although we don't know if she ever fell in love, or if she was just swooned by his charm. Well, it's tough not to fall for something like that but she'd perhaps learn a lesson. 

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