Saturday 16 April 2022

KGF: Chapter 2

KGF: Chapter 2

Written and Directed by: Prashant Neel
Starring: Yash

There's something about the storytelling style of KGF, I always find it a little tricky to track with the story and the world. Maybe the way it's shot and edited, or maybe because of the number of characters. Probably that's why I didn't emotionally engage with KGF 1, and except for a few scenes the same happened with the 2nd part too. But I was tripping over the editing. I can't believe the film was edited by a 19-year-old guy. The film is high on coke, just because of the way it's edited. It's extremely fragmented, I remember the car chase scene on the road - the way it keeps cutting to a blank screen - it's so musical and it has a beautiful rhythm to it. And even otherwise, the editing is quite non-linear, they keep intercutting between two or sometimes even three scenes to build tension and it works. Even the sound design is pretty kickass, especially the action scenes. Felt like the edit and the sound were pushing each other so well. The background score too. 

Though I couldn't track with the story that well, I loved the zone of the film. Especially towards the ending where we see Rocky getting into the darker zone. I loved the scene where he goes straight into the parliament, the way he goes to meet the PM - though there's a sense of disbelief there, the tone of the film makes all these scenes work. I liked the ending too. I felt that he couldn't become a man like this just to keep his mother's promise. That could be an ignition, but he can't do all of this without him having it within him. I think he gets it more when he's beaten up all his life, till one day he gets back. I think pretty much all grey characters have a backstory like this, being suppressed for a while till they decide to revolt. I also liked how they were bringing in quirks through Rocky's grammatically wrong dialogues here and there. For me, I enjoyed the film mostly because of the edit and the style more than anything else.

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