Wednesday 27 April 2022


Pada (2022)

Written and Directed by: Kamal K. M.
Streamig on Amazon Prime Video

The film is based on true events that happened in 1996, when the Palakkad collector was taken hostage in order to revoke the controversial Adivasi Amendement Bill. At its bones, it's a one-location survival thriller, but otherwise the film has a strong social voice. But it's engaging and it keeps us hooked because of the survival thriller format. Like most Malayalam films, this film too takes its own sweet time to get to the core of the film. It's almost 40 minutes into the film that the inciting incident happens. Till then they're setting up the characters and the world. I don't know how Malayalam cinema has earned our trust, but for some reason, only if it's a Malayalam film, I end up being patient even if they don't get to the point even till 30 minutes into the film. It's definitely well earned trust - it's after a series of watching really good films that I have arrived to this state where I won't mind a lot of set up if it's Malayalam film. I think it's because the writing is really authentic, so even if there's not much happening, we feel like we're watching a few strangers talk and also when the portrayal of the milieu is really authentic, as a non-Malayali, my curiosity of the world lets me watch the film. And the other reason, the pay offs of the films are really satisfying.

Pada, as a film is definitely interesting because of the genre it landed in, the way the characters are written. In a film like this, it's very easy to lose nuance. But everything feels so grounded throughout. But apart from this, I felt that the film as a standalone didn't satisfy me on an emotional level. I really loved the ending where they were intercutting to real footage, and were referring to all the real characters that the film is based on. But as a standalone piece of art, the pay off wasn't that satisfying - but perhaps because it's based on true events - there is only so much control they have over the plot. But apart from this one issue, I really enjoyed the film. 

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