Saturday 28 March 2020

American Psycho Analysis

American Psycho

Directed by: Mary Harron
Starring: Christian Bale

This film is about a successful investment banker, Patrick Bateman who tries to fit in to the ideas of materialistic success but and is a psychopath. He isn't just a psychopath in the sense of how highly successful and competitive people can also be psychopaths, he is a serial killer who has a head of a corpse in his refrigerator and has corpses in his cupboard.

Trying to understand his psyche, I was figuring out as to why he is killing and it seems like this is his passion project that he pursues in his free time while his full time job is something else. Also, he tries to mask his dark side with his vanity. The voice over could've been done better/avoided because especially when it is voice over of psychopaths, it isn't that easily convincing. According to a research by psychiatrists who watched over 400 films and they found the psychopath in No Country for Old Men by The Coen Brothers to be accurate to the behavior of a psychopath. Psycho, Silence of the Lambs and American Psycho in spite of being compelling and entertaining with their characters, they were apparently not so accurate.

The ending was interesting, I haven't read the book though but I wish they closed it because I was expecting a kick-ass twist and they ended the film with an open ending. Christian Bale was not that frightening to me in the film, the scene where we see him unleashing over the prostitute is terrifying but that's because of the scene and the sudden graphic imagery we see and apart from that scene I found it a little difficult to get convinced by his performance as a psychopath in the film or maybe he didn't fit into my idea of a psychopath which can be biased with the movies I've seen.

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