Saturday 28 March 2020

Rear Window Analysis

Rear Window

Directed by: Alfred Hitchcock

This film is similar to Hitchcock's Rope and Dial M for Murder, where the whole setting of the film is minimalist, like in an apartment or two and where the whole story is revealed through dialogue primarily. It almost feels like watching a play than a movie. Films like these are an inspiration to indie filmmakers that we can make brilliant thrillers with very low budget, but it's just that right now revelation of story through dialogue wouldn't be appreciated because of the immense scope there is for visual storytelling.

But the nature of the film being like that of a play can work, when there is a cinematic element like the small fight sequence in the climax. It gives us the feeling of a satisfactory ending. This film being highly rated, I expected more out of this film and I was excited even when I read the premise but I liked Dial M for Murder better than Rope and that better than this film.

Hitchcock usually doesn't bring in the conflict till sometime into the film expect in Rope (out of the ones I've watched) and it was the same in this film and I won't complain about that part being boring but even after the premise was presented, there was hardly any tension I was feeling while watching it. The premise is so interesting that it can work even today, except the balcony setting which I doubt if people would be so dumb to have sex with translucent curtains on. I can even recall a film loosely having this idea, where a guy goes to buy a mobile and when he is testing the zoom of the camera, he accidentally records a murder. In 1-Nenokkadine, there is a brilliant scene with how the photos someone clicks on a camera are used to bring out information. I wanted to enjoy this film, but I was somehow underwhelmed.

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