Monday 2 March 2020

Kannum Kannum Kollaiyadithaal Analysis

Kannum Kannum Kollaiyadithaal (2020)

Written and Directed by: Desingh Periyasamy
Starring: Dulquer Salman, Ritu Varma

KKK starts in a cheesy way, the opening 30 mins of the film. I didn't expect that as I watched the Behindwoods Short Film Contest winning short 99 of Desingh Periyasamy which was a brilliant one. But as the events keep unfolding, then I slowly felt that maybe the film needed the cheesy opening for us to lower our guards and expectations for the twists to be more shocking. It's maybe to create sharper peaks in the graph that they lower the previous scenes, but after films like Raatsasan where the graph is high throughout in terms of tension or excitement this theory is becoming invalid. The interesting part about this film is they didn't reveal anything in the trailer as far as I can recall and you don't know what the premise of the film would be. At many given points in the film, our expectation of where the film will go keeps changing. Gautham Menon is interesting as an actor, they couldn't have used him better and I couldn't stop laughing at the last scene of his. 

With both 99 and KKK, it is safe to say that Desingh Periyasamy is good with misdirecting the audience and giving twists. He challenges you that he'll give you a twist and yet he successfully gives you one. My favorite moments from the film were the interval and when the friend is sitting behind the customer in the restaurant and he saves him from getting caught. Both of these moments, you're expecting something to happen and suddenly out of nowhere right under your nose something turns up and shakes you up. In 99, with such a simplistic setting and characters too he manages to give you a twist and there too, it is just misdirection. 

In the opening scene we see an Edgar Wright style of editing, I expected more of such tacky cutting in the film and it was only limited to that scene. Ritu Varma is convincing in both the angles that are revealed in the film, she got to explore two different roles and two different looks in this film. There is some cheesy cringe-worthy stuff being constantly said by the side hero, but the cringe is acknowledged which is what makes it forgivable. It's problematic when the film maker takes his/her cringe worthy material too seriously. If the film deserves the runtime or not is something to be discussed, it never got boring but it would've been better had the film gotten into the premise earlier. The montage sequences where they show us them stealing something, like the whole laptops sequence, we understood what's going on way before they cut. Some elements are conveniently written like a luxury car being hacked by someone that easily, didn't seem convincing but this is a feeling I'm getting now when I think of the film and not while watching the film.

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