Sunday 29 March 2020

Don't F**k With Cats Analysis

Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer

Directed by: Mark Lewis
A 3-episode documentary series
Available on Netflix

This documentary is about a gruesome video posted of a person killing two kittens and how a bunch of amateur online sleuths decide to catch this person by breaking down every detail in every frame of the video. This involves a lot of on screen investigation and it seemed genuinely brilliant that they even find his identity using clues in the video. It resembles the movie Searching where the whole film takes place on digital screens. The documentary enhances the story that it's telling, it definitely makes us feel more disturbed than how we'd react by just reading about the same story.

I've seen the best aerial view/city view imagery in this documentary, the fonts they use and everything is so stylish. We can see influences of David Fincher in this documentary, the static shots or soft tilts, pans, push ins and push outs and also the color palette of the film. The music is so chilling, I felt so uncomfortable and disturbed while watching this and I think music has a huge role to play in this. 

I was trying to understand the psyche of Luka Magnotta, the criminal. He gets a lot of inspiration from movies, characters in movies and he often wants to imitate them. He wants to play games with the police like the famous Zodiac, Jeffrey Dahmer which is why he leaves clues in the form of movie posters. He is a narcissistic person, who wants people to know him which is why probably he also wanted to be an actor or a model in the first place. He torturing animals is a sign that he had chances of being a serial killer, although what led him to be the way he is, if he's a born psychopath or if he's made a criminal is still a question.

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