Saturday 19 February 2022

500 Days of Summer

500 Days of Summer (2009)

Directed by: Marc Webb

Relax guys. It's a re-watch. Don't say, you are watching this film now? But I must admit that it's a different reading than what I had a few years back. Earlier, I sort of didn't get Summer. Now I do. In fact, I've met people like Summer. There is a beautiful quality to indecisiveness - it's honesty - just because they've made a choice they won't stick to it if it doesn't make them happy anymore. Though it's irritating to be around indecisive people, and I'd love to appreciate them from far. Summer is like the protagonist in the Worst Person in the World, who I was madly tripping over. Not looking for anything serious. Not sure about what she wants. Does what she feels like doing. Impulsive. It makes for an interesting character. Although I felt that the makers weren't as empathetic to Summer, for the way the portrayed her. The acting notes felt like they wanted to show Summer like a psychopath, without feelings. 

Tom, poor guy. She told him that she's not looking for anything serious. But men. If they like a woman, they'd never deny getting physical with them. And that's the worst thing to do, explore something casual with someone who you are in love with. It's an offer that you can't deny nor take. It creates such a turmoil inside your head and it creates for a constant sense of battle within. That's exactly what Tom goes through the entire film. He can't blame Summer because she was clear. But he hates her for not reciprocating his feelings either. I absolutely love the usage of montage, and voice over in the film. It's extremely stylish. I like how the film doesn't take a particular worldview on love, it just presents a few and let us decide which side we'd want to take. If it's meant to be. Or not. We never know.

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