Friday 25 February 2022

Bheemla Nayak

Bheemla Nayak (2022)

No. This is not a review. This won't give you an answer if you are deciding whether or not to watch the film. Figure that out some other way. Maybe the ticket prices are a good reason to make a choice whether to watch the film or not, in either states. But anyway, about the film, the material in itself is unapologetically, macho and masculine. And I love it for that. The core conflict of the film is an essential ego clash between two men that grows out of proportion. I loved the sequence where Bheemla carries a bottle of alcohol, after he gets suspended and blasts the bar. It's always fun to watch a superstar playing a bad guy. The flashback sequence was an interesting addition - but my issue with it was that the violence is too deafening that it distorts reality to an extent where the core of the film, a 'man vs man' fight stopped being interesting anymore. In the original, simply because the world is subliminal and grounded, even a slap lands very well and elicits drama. I enjoyed how they changed the ending, and I liked the comedy touch that they added. 

What didn't work for me in the film is, the ego clash in this film doesn't build up to a point where they would both want to kill each other. It's a jump. I felt that the characters don't arrive there naturally. Because the characters were in a playful zone earlier, and suddenly they want to kill each other? And though the twist that Danny's wife was someone he saved, though it was a good twist - I didn't find it reason enough for his anger to be subsided right away. That's the reason it didn't seem like the conflict that was built up naturally. If he really wanted to kill him, he was really that angry, would he stop right after he knows that he saved his wife? Because he already knew that Danny has a mother who has cancer, and a wife who is pregnant. Apart from this one part, that there are a few jumps, I liked the film. I loved Rana's styling. I enjoyed Trivikram's touch in the film - the folk tales and the kind of comedy that's placed in the film. The music was nice, and it was pretty well shot.

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