Friday 25 March 2022

Eternally Confused and Eager for Love

Eternally Confused and Eager for Love (2022)

Created, Written and Directed by: Rahul Nair
Produced by: Tiger Baby & Excel Entertainment
Streaming on Netflix.

It's a beautiful show - it not only captures the world, the people and the vibe of modern relationships - but it also captures feelings like self doubt, vulnerability, desperation for love. We are not trained to deal with relationships, our earlier generations mostly found mates through arranged marriages and now that everything has opened up - marriage, a serious relationship, a casual relationship, friends with benefits, a one time thing - there is a plethora of options and we find ourselves juggling between our preferences. A streak of failures makes us feel that we don't know what we want, and hence we end up distancing ourselves emotionally from relationships from any kind to not mess up further. The show captures all of this beautifully through plot. Ray is such an endearing and relatable character, because end of the day, he wants to be loved. And wanting to be loved is not like asking for a private jet. It's one of the basics in life. But I like how they didn't dramatize his desperation to be loved with a dysfunctional family - by looking at his parents - I don't think he'd have had a traumatic childhood. So in this case, the stakes are relatively lower. Which is why it's in the light-hearted space. 

I love what he feels about his friend Riya. He's not sure. He likes her. It's not like he loves her, but he wouldn't mind. His fear of ending up alone is so much that he asks her that if both of them are single by the time they're 40 - they'd get married - it's like 'fine, I can at least count on this possibility'. I loved the entire track of the old toy and the voice in his head. I think it's beautiful depiction of anxiety and self doubt. I think the cause of all the anxiety is mostly because of societal expectations of dating - I saw a question on Reddit that asked, 'why are you single?' and a response to that was, 'we are all born single and if we happen to find a partner we do, but we are all otherwise single by default'.

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