Wednesday 30 March 2022

If Beale Street Could Talk

If Beale Street Could Talk (2018)

Written for the Screen and Directed by: Barry Jenkins
Based on a book of the same name by James Baldwin
Streaming on Netflix. 

It's a film about a black man who is falsely accused of rape and is arrested. It's a story we've seen quite a few times. But what makes this film really good is the treatment, the style and the tone of it. It has a non-linear narrative and the screenplay becomes a lot more fun because of this. Above everything, the aspect that I loved the most about this film is - the film is a lot more than the social aspect of it. The film has a lot of heart. It's treated as a heartbreaking love story. Hence, it works on a human level. I think any film which has a social voice - if it works irrespective of the voice - then the social voice has a chance of getting across to a larger group of audience. If the film doesn't work on a human level, perhaps the people who've gone through such experiences might relate to it and not the others. But now, since it works on a human level, someone sitting in Hyderabad whose life is not affected one bit by racism in the US is feeling for it.

I like how Barry Jenkins tells stories about relationships, feelings set in dramatic socio-political settings. The way the voice over is used to describe their feelings. The film goes deep, to a granular level to show us how the characters feel about each other. Love is a basic, universal feeling - but the way he gets specific about every thought and detail of the feeling - it becomes very interesting. The montage of where she describes about how every kick inside makes her lose control and they show simple examples from daily life to show it - and it's very sweet to see such storytelling. All the actors in the film were terrific - even their emptiness had a lot of depth and intensity. I loved watching this film. 

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