Wednesday 2 March 2022

Petite Maman (2021)

Petite Maman (2021)

Written and Directed by: Celine Sciamma
Streaming on MUBI.

Celine Sciamma has a very strong directorial voice. When she's directing a scene, it feels like we're watching the characters by standing right in between them. It's the way it's paced, with a lot of space given for silences. And it's also the way it sounds, the dialogue sounds a bit like whisper and we hear each and every sound they make. Sometimes including gasps and breath too. I've not seen better use of sound in this minute level. The way a character gasps can change the meaning of the scene sometimes. Difference between a gasp of relief and a gasp of exasperation. In Potrait of a Lady on Fire, there were a lot of silent moments between the characters, but here, we see long takes where there is some action happening in the frame - but it's actually nothing - because the action is mostly some repetitive action which isn't adding anything to the scene except for creating that tone.

I like how she had them wear red and blue so that it's visually distinct. Otherwise, two young girls are not so easily distinct. I love the idea of exploring friendship between two young girls. It's so pure and innocent. And above that, the interesting idea that one of them is the other's daughter and the element of time travel is introduced into the story just like that. Again, I love how their bonding is captured. Lot of beautiful montages. Beautiful scenes. I love the scene where they both talk in bed in whispers. The film didn't work for me on an emotional level, but I didn't mind it only for its obscurity and creativity.

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