Friday 11 March 2022

Radhe Shyam

Radhe Shyam

I enjoyed the film just for how it made me think about free will vs determination. I've always believed in free will, ie in Radhe Shyam's language, I've been in the 1% who believe that we can write our own destiny. But life has proven me wrong so many times. I can point out 4-5 incidents in my life, which inflected my life into drastically different directions. So I also do believe that there's stuff beyond what we can control too.

I really enjoyed the film in parts. I loved the bus sequence, and the song that picks from the point where the buses diverge. The entire song about how they'd meet if they are destined to. I loved this 10-min stretch in the film. After that, I was completely blown away by the interval. He says that she'll live a long life. But we get to know that she has an illness. I was swoon by his balls to believe that he's right and that she'll live a long life. I thought the film from there would be about how he overcomes fate and says that she stays alive. 

But then the film gets done with this in 15 mins and says, if he's right then he's supposed to die - which I thought was yet another jump which was a bit far fetched. Ideally, this could've been opened in the climax. I like how only one of them is meant to live. But I didn't enjoy the whole ship sequence, because if you replace that with a road accident, it would still work. And I also didn't feel like the film needed the Europe setting.

However, having said all these, the film sparked some feelings in me at some points. The feeling of being a hopeless romantic. The feeling of rooting for two lovers to unite. Though it left me hanging a bit, I didn't mind the experience simply because it sparked some feelings in the first place.

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