Saturday 19 March 2022

Your Name

Your Name (2016)

Written and Directed by: Makoto Shinkai

I'm usually not into anime - I watched Spirited Away by Miyakazi, and I enjoyed it. But I wasn't moved, probably because for me, anime as a form was another translucent layer added between me and the story. This film, I just read up the logline and I was damn excited. It's such an exciting premise. And where the film goes with this premise - is in the epic film zone. They manage to somehow seamlessly mix a love story and an epic story of how a teenager saves a lot of lives. This film has an amazing story just for the way they blend both these stories. Though I was in awe and I was amazed by the story and the way it unfolds step by step, I wasn't moved by the film. I don't know if it was because of my inhibitions with the form, but I didn't feel so much. 

After looking up the premise, I was expecting an intimate love story between a teenage couple. This premise can be terrific to tell a story like that. Imagine - a couple who have self doubts, wake up as each other and get to feel how the other person feels like. Maybe one of them thinks that they're not good enough, and the next day they wake up in the other one's body and they see the world through their eyes. Not only do they get to live their life for a day, but also understand their situations better. I see a lot of scope for an intimate story like that. Perhaps for the headspace I'm in right now, I'd have enjoyed that sort of a story a bit more. Though my thirst for an interesting story was fulfilled and I enjoyed this film, I was watching it from a distance. I couldn't go into the characters and experience the film with them, which I'd ideally do with films that move me.

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